Healthcare Access to the Poor in Afghanistan
Make healthcare accessible to disadvantaged and poor Afghans who cannot pay for the care they need in a war-ridden country with under-resourced healthcare system. We believe that cost should not stand between families and the medical care they need. The Patient Welfare Programme helps treat patients who do not have the means with no or minimal cost through patient welfare funds. With the growing demand every year, the hospital needs support to continue this life-saving effort.
Approximately 70% of Afghans live under poverty and their average income is less than US$ 200 a month. There is no social health insurance in Afghanistan and 76% of the health expenses are paid by families out-of-pocket. An estimated 6 million people have no access, or insufficient access to health care due to unavailability of public health services or unaffordability of costly private health services.
Our Patient Welfare Programme covers part of the cost or the full cost of the treatment of its patients in need who make less than US$ 200 a month. This programme enables people with no or less financial resources to avail high quality in-patient and out-patient medical and surgical care in specialties such as cardiac, neurology, maternal and newborn care, orthopedics, intensive care, eye surgeries, adult/paediatric medicine, ENT, and others from across Afghanistan.
Long-Term Impact
We have invested over US$ 30.9 million in the program for the care of 450,000 patients from all 34 provinces of Afghanistan primarily through funding from its partners i.e. Govt. of France, Govt. of Afghanistan, Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and La Chaine de l'Espoir (CDE). We are committed to ensure accessible healthcare and that patients are cared for with respect and dignity; meet healthcare needs and expectations; and improve health outcomes for Afghans.