Maia Project: Clean Water for Children in Gaza
The student parliament at a middle school in Gaza voted for the one thing they wanted most for their school: They chose clean water. The water in Gaza is polluted with sea water and chemicals. Poor families are faced with the "choice" of purchasing commercial water or risking the health and well being of their children. This project started in response to the children's request. We build and maintain water purification units in schools and kindergartens throughout Gaza.
Recent UN & Amnesty International reports show that only 5% of the water in Gaza is suitable for human consumption. Military attacks, extreme poverty, high population density, and the Israeli blockade of materials, fuel and equipment has left Gaza's water supply inadequate and unhealthy. Tap water exposes children to many risks: parasitic infections, kidney disease, anemia and more. 40% of incidence of disease in Gaza is related to polluted drinking water according to Palestinian Water Authority
The Maia Project provides safe, clean drinking water to thousands of children by installing and maintaining water purification and desalination units in Gaza schools and community kindergartens. Since 2007, MECA has constructed 42 units with 10 more underway, to safeguard a most basic human right for tens of thousands of children--access to clean, safe drinking water. These units are constructed with local labor and materials, as available.
Long-Term Impact
The building and maintaining of these water purification and desalination units in schools and community kindergarten dramatically reduces the risk and incidence of a wide range of health and developmental disorders. As a new generation of children in Gaza approach adulthood, the water crisis may be one of the greatest threats to their survival. The units can also provide water to vulnerable children seeking shelter at schools during future Israeli military attacks, as was the case in 2012.