Gaza Emergency Relief Fund

$15,000.00 raised of $200,000.00 goal

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  1. Write a check payable to "European Aid Program"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "European Aid Program"
  3. Mail your check to:

    European Aid Program
    111 Not A Real St.
    Anytown, CA 12345

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Donation Total: $10.00

Gaza Emergency Relief Fund


Children are going hungry in Gaza. Their faces are haunting, their mothers' stories, heartbreaking. Cancer patients are running out of medicines. Schools are teaching three shifts daily, three children to a desk. Kindergartens are being closed as funding dries up. All forms of US aid to Palestinians were cut including food aid, medical aid, and all aid for education. But there's a still a way for people to help and this is more important than ever. Let's begin.


12 years of blockade on Gaza means that virtually no exports are allowed. There's widespread darkness with power only recently available for 12hrs/day, rolling blackouts. With no exports, few imports, and no means of production, jobs have plummeted resulting in 55% unemployment, and > 72% unemployment for young people under 30. The unemployment means few can buy local, causing more layoffs... this is economic collapse that the World Bank and the UN warned about. Families need a way to hold on.


A huge problem- but to paraphrase Nabeel Hamdi, "To do something BIG, start small and start where it counts." Let's do this, child by child, family by family. Each week, Our NGO partners work with a family to deliver nutritional food, solar lights, and rehabilitate barely-livable homes. Our team provides goats, chickens to families who can raise animals, seeds for gardens, and gives stipends to employers for 3-month on-the-job-training to offer men & women a way to learn as they work for pay.

Long-Term Impact

Your support makes a huge difference to families who grows healthier because you care and donate. It matters too to all caregivers who provide the families with assistance, giving everyone hope and a way to pay their bills too. We'll be featuring their stories to shine a light on the problems they face and inspire policy change - in our experience, it is exactly when we've started small- where it counts- that we've found a way to resolve intractable problems. Please give now.

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